
Showing posts from February, 2014

This little light of mine

As I drifted off to sleep, I felt that there was something stopping me from falling into my blissful slumber.  For the last three years I have become accustomed to sleeping with a light on. This habit started soon after my dad passed away. I'd be asleep then suddenly wake for some reason or other. So I'd put my lamp on and wake in the morning finding that I'd fallen asleep with it on. Every night this seemed to be the pattern until I'd just leave it on as soon as I got into bed.  It sounds childish, I'd always fall asleep with my light on as a hold, but mum or dad would turn it out when they came up to bed. Now I guess this habit is security.  It's funny though, I wake up roughly about 4am and turn the lamp off.  The other night  was finding it a bit difficult to get to sleep. The light from the lamp felt too bright, but I didn't want to turn it off. I pulled my covers over my head, but I could still see the light. I needed the room darker. My solution was t

Token single...Dumm dumm Di dum!

There's nothing like a good old Family party, where you haven't seen some people in a long time and with the party being an event to celebrate a wedding/ engagement/ child, something to do with being a union, you can guarantee that if you turn up without a 'plus one' you are going to be the target for prying questions. I totally forgot that this would be the case until I was making my rounds at the luncheon. The first person, an elderly Jamaican gentleman, just dropped it in there without warning. 'So when are you finally going to get married?' It was like a truck hit me, I did not expect that from him. All I could say was 'one day.' Hoping that that was enough to kill that subject. But no, 'are you in a relationship?' 'No' 'Why not?' 'Don't know?' 'So when are you going to get a boyfriend? You can't be single you're whole life.' 'Ah well, some day, these things take time and careful pla