Token single...Dumm dumm Di dum!

There's nothing like a good old Family party, where you haven't seen some people in a long time and with the party being an event to celebrate a wedding/ engagement/ child, something to do with being a union, you can guarantee that if you turn up without a 'plus one' you are going to be the target for prying questions.

I totally forgot that this would be the case until I was making my rounds at the luncheon. The first person, an elderly Jamaican gentleman, just dropped it in there without warning. 'So when are you finally going to get married?'
It was like a truck hit me, I did not expect that from him. All I could say was 'one day.' Hoping that that was enough to kill that subject. But no, 'are you in a relationship?'
'Why not?'
'Don't know?'
'So when are you going to get a boyfriend? You can't be single you're whole life.'
'Ah well, some day, these things take time and careful planning' I say scanning the room for a quick exit.

My sanctuary was the kitchen, there weren't many people in there. My brother's mother-in-law was keeping herself busy sorting out food and carrying my niece. Perfect! So I thought, after a few words of  'how are you?' and 'isn't this lovely' it came.
'So when we going to meet you're boyfriend?'
'When I get one.' I joke.
'Well you have to hurry and get married soon.'
'She'll probably get married before me' I say referring to my 1 year old niece. We both laughed, the mother-in-law a bit harder than I.

I opted to talk to new people that I'd hadn't really spoken to before, they go a little easy on you.

 I did however bump into the Jamaican man again, at a time where he was showing photos on his phone, he kindly showed me a picture of his son...I think he was trying to hint something there. Its all very amusing, but clearly they must be thinking I'm nearing my sell by date.  Any takers?


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