
Hey guys, Ive just been having some ideas for monologues. So i've jotted a few down. Let me know what you think, first go. Maybe if you like I'll do a whole book of them. lol "o

Monologue 1
(Leaning on the table over a laptop, sat in a cafe window) I really should be doing something. (Pause, looks at the clock) I’ve sat here for at least an hour, looking at the screen, flicking from Face book, to Twitter, to gum tree and auto trader and not forgetting the clock. (Looks at the clock and sighs, turns and looks out the window). Why I’m looking at auto trader is beyond me, I don’t drive. I do however have a list of things to do and I’ve done about two out of the five; not bad. (Stares into space, then at her watch) I need to leave for work in about an hour or two. I have plenty of time to still get things done. (Looks out the window and watches a couple walk by).
Job hunting. That’s what I should be doing. I came to this cafe because I’d get more work done out of the house. But no. I’ve sat and looked at this screen for too long and it hasn’t done anything. I’ve stared out the window watching ladies bambi walk in their heels, parking attendants issue tickets and friends and work colleagues meet for lunch. Refresh...hummm. No new status updates. Clearly everyone is actually at work and doing some work. Ah yes, work (thinks) what work would I like to do? Ill order a coffee and have a think about it....excuse me; can I get another coffee please?

Monologue 2
(Stood ironing and talking to her friend) Uh...sorry I’m listening.....really, I am.
I find myself going into a daze sometimes. You know, when its quiet and you’re not doing much. That when I find myself thinking. Like I’d be standing waiting for the kettle to boil and find myself smiling to myself at a memory (pauses and smiles). Or driving in the car with the music low, stuck in traffic and then I start saying something in reply. (Laughs). I know it’s silly, but I like it. Well most of the time. There are the times when I feel I’ve just been run over, no! (Stops and thinks) I feel like someone has shot me in the chest and you can see right through me....This big empty space. (Takes a deep breath) in my chest (holding back the tears) and around me every day. (Looks up and sweetly says) Tea?
I’m fine, they stay it just takes time. The hole’s mending, it just has some cracks. You’ll start to see me at the gym again. But those cracks and those quiet times, I need them...They’re his best parts kept with me.

Very different eh?


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