Who are you without them? POEM

Who are you without them? 
Are you standing tall in a room on your own?
Have you got the confidence to dine alone? 
Will you laugh aloud when they missed the punch, because they're too drunk and you're not stoned or half cut to un hear every syllable in each and every tone.
Fall into place, put your hand on your waist, your disjointed body and face. Any thing to save grace.
For that taste, the inclusive, judgemental party race. 

Image result for mirror

But who are you without them?
Can you walk alone, stay at home, happy to not pick up the phone.
For socials aren't socials in flesh and bone. Are you OK without the phone?

Is your time more valuable than your health?
Giving time is humans true wealth. 
Time giving, time without sleep, time to meet your mates in the streets.
Time that's not replaced as you give away what family needs.
Time they didn't rush when you picked up the phone saying 'Hey, let's meet.'

Who are you without them?
Can you stand alone on your two feet?
who are you without them?
Will they wave passing in the street?
Who are you without them?

Who are you with them?

Image result for dad and daughter


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