A little taste of Romance.

So you may have recalled me saying about me always being single. Well just a few weeks after that post you would not believe what happened?!!! Yes you guessed it...I had a date. Well, I thought I was just meeting a friend for drinks. This friend I think I met on twitter- so I didn't actually think it was a date, me being naive in my thinking again.  He'd invited me down to where he was working on, but due to lack of communication; that failed. So once out of our busy period we finally met up.

Now details were vague on our meeting. 'Meet at 6pm and we'll go to Vibe bar or Shore ditch House'. Not too sure of where either was, I made my way to Old St and text on my arrival. 10 mins later, I'd had no reply! And started to stress, I was nervous, I'd had dates stand me up on various occasions and now I was thinking that this guy had seen me waited and walked on by. Argh! I hate dating, always a massive fail. Time now drew to 6:27pm and I'm still waiting, so I boldly sent another text saying ' it’s almost 6:30 and I'm about to leave to go home'. ARGH!!! No! I feel tears- What a loser, pull yourself together! It’s not like you've been stood up before and you’re a strong independent woman.
I began to make my way to a pub to sort myself out and low and below, the guy calls asking where it was. Now Sarah, just remain calm, act cool and breezy. After locating each other and trying to avoid me having a massive strop- I said don't worry, I’ll be there soon ...GPS on, let’s go.
Solution to get there quicker, I jump on a bus. Now me and buses don't really mix, not that I'm too snobby to get on them- it’s just that I walk on any one that looks like it’s going in my direction and every now and then it doesn't. This happens to be one of those times. It took me in a bit of a circle, so I got off and walked but my bloody Google map doesn’t want to work properly. I’ve walked past the same group of people 3 times, watching my phone and feeling like a bit of a twat really. Eventually I arrive at this bar and you wouldn't believe it....I’ve only been there before- worked a few times at The Truman Brewery. How stupid of me! Right big breath out (currently feeling like going in and having a massive go at this guy, as any real gentleman would have said, stay where you are and ill come and get you-well in the movies they do). And in I go to see him waiting with a bucket of Pressecco.

To cut a long story short, several drink later and a few snacks I've actually found someone on my level. Dry humour and easy to get along with- though BIG ego. So much so I had to tell him we'd need a crane to lower him out the building. We ended up going back to mine (I think he lived too far out of London to get back-so didn't think anything of it). I offered a classy ride on the night bus, but he insisted on a taxi. Anyhow- as most of my male friends are gay and he'd made no advances that I recall. If he did want to try anything, no luck as A. I'm old fashioned and B. as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was knocked out. Zzzzz!


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