Barbados - Unfinished 2018

Barbados _What do you think of when you hear that?
Most I guess will think honeymoon destination, luxury holiday, paradicse. I do too and that's why I booked it. I am not getting married and I certainly haven't booked an all inclusive resort. I wanted to, but boy oh boy, do they cost a lot and when you are travelling solo, one can't fathom spening that type of money when you are not sharing the expreience with anyone.
Yes, I am going on my own. Gernerally I am fine about doing things on my own, right now though I'm feeling a little sad and unsure I want to go. (PMS)
I booked this holiday using some of my airmiles I accumilated for travelling with Virgin Atlantic and also having a Virgin credit card. I thought to myself, why not go somewhere you would instantly think of to go, I also thought why not choose some honeymoon destination, most people my age are married and go to places like this. I'm not getting hitched any time soon, that I am aware of, so this is my special trip. A bit like when Carrie for SATC threw an engagement party for herself. I am celegrating me.


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