Let's Fly away.

Italy, I'm off to Venice for a wedding. Four days away in the sunshine.
I meet my friend at London Bridge station and wonder where she's going, because her suitcase is twice the size of mine.

Now together, our holiday begins. And no better way to start than arriving at Gatwick airport to find that your plane is delayed and no one knows for how long exactly. No stress as duty free always keeps me amused. Samples of alcohol, Shoes, jewellery and gifts to browse through and endless amounts of perfume to sample. Brilliant. Now having a 'love interest' I can now browse from someone other than friends and family. He wears some unusual after shave, that I couldn't remember the name of. So a quick text to find out (Molecule 03) apparently the only place to stock it is Harvey Nics. But I have a look through duty free on the off chance....No such luck, thankfully as it sells at £76! And besides it’s only been three dates, like he's getting a gift at that price. Texts drifted from shopping to other stuff. Plane was still delay, no gate shown, no other indication of what was happening with our flight so I stocked up on chocolate and kicked back into a chair, ignored my friend and went off to GA GA land texting (whats app) the fella.We were set for a long wait, well so we thought. Our next gaze at the display board suddenly changed to 'GATE CLOSING'. WFT!!!! How? And when did this happen? RUN!!! I grabbed my stuff as did my friend and quickly clocked on to which way the gate was and I got my Olympic sprint on- failing to realise friend had gone in the wrong direction. But as long as I make the flight-it’s OK. But gosh did I feel like I was about to die half way to the gate. My legs were filling with lactic acid, my head was pounding and when I got to the gate nothing was happening and mostly everyone had done the same as us. My friend dragging her asthmatic self with an old lady that was hobbling along.
For a country that really isn't so far away, this journey is taking forever! Strapped in and ready for takeoff, my phone has to be turned off. Very sad face, but looking forward to getting back and seeing what happens next with the fella.
We were meant to arrive at 8pm, but by the time we got to Jesolo it was almost midnight and we still had a bus ride to go AND find the hotel.
Our bus dropped us off in an empty bus station with a friendly english couple, who were going to see if they could get us a lift with their friend who was going to collect them. After about 20 mins trying to find a way out of the bus station, we hear a voice calling over to the couple. Strangley enough, its a voice my friend and I recognise.....We were only part of the same wedding party, could you believe it?!!  But no car, we walked, not to far to meet the rest of the party. Then to make our way to our hotel, which was a TWO mile walk away!!! They was no taxi about so walking was our only option. It was hot and sweaty and we really didnt have a clue where we were going. When we did arrive they hotel was not taking anyone in, 'BUT I BOOKED A ROOM' look a my reservation, we're just late. (Smile super sweetly) and we're in.


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